Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We Have a Venue!

FH and I spent a long time searching for a venue that matched some very specific criteria:
  • It needs to be in a central location
  • It needs to be able to accommodate everyone we would like to attend our wedding
  • It needs to not exude religion or make anyone feel uncomfortable for their religious differences 
  • It needs to be a space that can have both our ceremony and reception, and
  • It needs to be affordable (of course!)
We found it!

I've been frantically clicking through website after website, searching for a place that would ultimately feel like, us. 

Quite an adorable location, right? 

We love it. We literally walked inside, took a deep breathe and asked, "Where do we sign?" The best part about it? They're Unitarians. Meaning, The core of their existence lies on the fact that all people have worth, and should be allowed to seek truth in their own way. Perfect!! 

Anyway, it's perfect for us. More pictures you ask? Why, of course!

This is what the inside looks like when you use it for a ceremony only. We, on the other hand, are using the space for everything it's got. What a beautiful area! Why waste on 1 hour when we can savor it for 6?

So, we're going to do something that's a little more similar to this. Besides,  who doesn't like the opportunity to chill out while you're watching a wedding? Sometimes you just have to rest your elbows somewhere, right?

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