Thursday, February 10, 2011

Star Wars Party

My son loves Star Wars. As a 6 year old, his experiences are more along the Clone Wars lines, and less the days of Ewoks and Chewbacca. So, when it was time to celebrate his birthday, he asked to have a Star Wars party. And since I refuse to completely fall into the commercialized visions of how my party should be, I decided to explore the blogosphere for some inspiration...this is what I found:

The woman that wrote about her party inspired me to do a very similar party. Imitation is a form of flattery, yes? Let's discuss:

My son's birthday is in October, so the orb of choice was a pumpkin, and with so many people carving death stars out of pumpkins, I thought, hey, why not?

death star pumpkin :: cylon :: gollum :: re jack-o\'-lantern

Here is my son's party in all it's glory: 

The Death Star pumpkin in all it's glory, accompanied by Federation Fruit (with dip), and pretzel light sabers - pretzel sticks dipped in colored candy melts. These were to die for by the way. I can't believe I've never made them before. They taste like yogurt covered pretzels. Yum!

My aunts bake great cakes, and can be pretty creative. They were troopers when I asked them to tackle Yoda. They even used a glow stick for his light saber. So clever. 

Though, we did find that Yoda's head, removed from his body, transformed him into E.T. 

Beeeeeeee Goooood.............

Food with a little creativity paired with family and friends makes a great party. Have you ever stepped out of your normal to make a party fun for someone? 

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